Finding Your Own Path to Healing

Post date: Apr 24, 2010 9:55:11 PM

When I was 19 years old I was compelled to carve out a path to healing because I was in a desperate situation. I had been suffering with Crohn’s Disease since I was 16, and I was now coping with a case of Hepatitis C which I contracted through blood transfusions. At the time there was no treatment for Hepatitis C, (1970) and my doctors suggestion to my parents was that they give money to research with the hope that a cure would be found. Otherwise they felt that I would not live longer than another ten years. That was 39 years ago!

Fortunately, for me, desperation paved the way to an open mind and I contacted the late spiritual healer Harry Edwards in England. I got well so quickly my head spun! Since that time I have been both a student and teacher of spiritual healing and metaphysics and I have explored many aspects of complimentary medicine.

I now believe in the value of many different modalities from diet and nutrition to prayer, from things as concrete as foods and as esoteric as spirit doctors. It is my hope to share many of the discoveries I’ve made on my path and I hope that each of you will do the same. I would like this blog to be a forum for discussions and for sharing our personal experiences with each other. I believe that we have a lot to learn from each other’s experiences, both good and bad. Cautionary tales are welcome too. As I continue to update this blog with different modalities that I have used and still use, please feel free to do the same. In this way we can help to pave the way for each other as well as ourselves.

To all of you out there, I can feel your presence. Please introduce yourself by leaving a comment.

Be well in mind and body!